James Brown

Curtis Mayfield 
Curtis MayfieldEn 1999, la Soul perdait un pionnier de la fierté noire des années 60/70. Avec des tubes comme "Move On Up", "Freddie's dead", "Superfly" et "Pusher Man", Curtis est le gourou de bien des légendes vivantes, Prince en tête.Prince lui doit sa voix délicate et un goùt prononcé pour les percussions et les thèmes sociaux.
Mayfield was one of the first who dared to openly write songs about black pride, with a symphonic Soul music built on strings, horns, harps and a lot of percussion. Dead in 1999, he is one of the greatest soul singers and performers of the 60's and 70's. His classic hits "Move On Up", "Freddies'dead", "Superfly" and "Pusher Man", his delicate voice and his social positivity inspired Prince in many occasions.

Alternative: The Curtis Mayfield Page : sweddish site.

Sly Stone 
Sly And The Family StoneUn groupe mélangé : blancs, noirs, des filles, des individualités… un groupe légendaire qui a inspiré plusieurs générations funk/Soul et rap. Leur participation au Festival de Woodstock en 1969 en a fait une légende. Jesse Jhonson a eu le privillège d'un duo avec Sly, "Crazay". La version maxi est incroyable – et introuvable !
Black and white people, men and women together. The leader, Sylvester Stewwart, and Larry Graham pushed the funk to a brand new way in 1969 with the LP "Stand!". Jesse Jhonson had a great duet with Sly: "Crazay". Prince was probably very jalous, the full lengh, a funky improvisation, i ssimply amazing!

Official Site: Sly & The Family Stone : it's a "Family Afair"!

Joni Mitchell
Public Enemy